The Sacred Heart University Women's Bowling team currently has 20 student-athletes on their roster.
Sacred Heart University Women's Bowling student-athletes volunteered 53 hours on average apiece throughout the 2016-17 year.
The Sacred Heart University Women's Bowling team won 65 total matches throughout the 2016-17 season.
With this gift of $125, you could cover the cost of one practice for the Sacred Heart University Women's Bowling team.
A perfect game! The following lady Pioneers have bowled a 300 game: Julia Favata, Lauren Hoffman, Amanda Nardiello, Dominique Newton, and Amanda Tyrrell!
Our team took home the 2016-17 Pioneer Cup! We brought in a total of 321 points to be named the 2017 Sacred Heart University Athletics Pioneer Cup Champions.
With this gift of $400, you could equip one Sacred Heart University women's bowler with three bowling balls for the season.
With this gift of $500, you could cover the cost of one tournament fee for the Sacred Heart University Women's Bowling team.
The highest series by a Pioneer Bowler is 804, achieved by Junior Amanda Nardiello. Great work, Amanda!
The total number of volunteer community service hours achieved by the Sacred Heart University Women's Bowling team throughout the 2016-17 year was 1,062 hours.
Sacred Heart University Women's Bowling began in the year 1993. Look how far we've come!
The most recent NEC Championship for the Sacred Heart University Women's Bowling team came in 2016. We'll strive to capture our next one in 2018!